Because They Say a Picture Speaks 1000 Words…

Today I took 223 photos. Since last Thursday I’ve taken 645. You can say that is a bit much but it’s hard to keep your camera down in a city that is so beautiful! Since writing is not my specialty I’ve decided to create a photo collage/video for you to view and experience our second day in Barcelona. We visited places such as La Segrada Familia and the historic Parc Guel, all of which were created by the famous Spanish architect, Gaudi. We rode atop a bus from 10:30 a.m. until about 5:00 p.m. We all have sunburnt noses and a lot of stories to tell. I hope this video gives you a glimpse into the adventurous day that we all shared together.

DISCLAIMER: The video is on youtube so the quality may not be as great as I hoped. Also, if you are watching it and realize there is no music playing, that is probably because youtube took the music off. I apologize and encourage you to play your own music while you watch to make it even more enjoyable. Thanks!

Ciao, Abbey M.

1 Comment

Filed under Barcelona, Tour

One response to “Because They Say a Picture Speaks 1000 Words…

  1. Mike

    Abbey, beautiful work and great photos! Thanks for sharing and send more photos. Wish I was there.

    Mike (adam’s uncle)

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